About Me

Are you trying to juggle your life and your love of travel?

Great, so am I. My name is Michele and I’ve been struggling to achieve a work/travel lifestyle ever since my first overseas trip aged 13 when I discovered my passion for adventure.

travel inspirationI write short travel inspiration stories that might give you some ideas on where and what to do for your next trip. If you are looking for a pre-burial cruise down the Danube or an 18-30 club holiday, then this might not be your best port of call.

A lot of my travel inspiration centres around hiking – so you’ll find some ideas on where to go around the world. I live in New Zealand – we have excellent hikes, tramps and walks and I’m slowly working my around all of them.

Who am I?

I’m a journalist who grew up Down Under and realised that I was going to have to travel at least three hours by air to get overseas so I’d better make the trips worth it . As Kiwis, we naturally develop a wanderlust so we often live and travel our way around the world.

I’ve been to more than 65 countries for reasons as obscure as hunting a jurassic-sized crocodile, checking out what war tourism is like, studying Italian or playing frisbee as an unpaid professional!

 Travel inspiration   Find me on Facebook

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 If you’re into the business thing, LinkedIn is good

Or you could send me an email below.